Armor/AFV: Axis - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Axis forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
Tiger 1 Track "mirror" and "handedness"
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Stockholm, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 08:09 PM UTC
In a mirrored set, one left hand and one right hand, which one is which?
Looking at the image in your post, which side is mounted the way it was designed? Is the track beneath the registration plate mounted backwards or not?
The ridge is above the track pin joining the track links but should the track link be turned so that the ridge is downwards or upwards seen from the front? Is this tank carrying two sets designed to be on the left side of the tank (driver sits on the left side of the tank). Since Curt has a mirrored set (left and right hand links) he needs to know which one is the left and which one is the right to avoid mounting them both backwards. With two sets of right hand links or two sets of left hand links they can only be mounted in one way but with one of each they can both be backwards or both be forwards.
/ Robin
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Wien, Austria
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Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 09:20 PM UTC
The track under the registration plate is the "backwards" one.

Yes, that tank has two "Left" sets. That's how almost every Tiger was fitted out.


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Stockholm, Sweden
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Posted: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 - 10:00 PM UTC

Quoted Text

The track under the registration plate is the "backwards" one.

Yes, that tank has two "Left" sets. That's how almost every Tiger was fitted out.


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Nevada, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2020 - 12:30 AM UTC

Quoted Text

This photo shows the standard type of tracks installed on all Early Tigers and the first half of the Mid Tigers.

From your description, you have "Mirrored" tracks that are correct for only a tiny number of Tigers that operated near Leningrad in 1942. There are only two Dragon kits that build them, and only one of the kits was not limited-edition.

Dragon's Leningrad Tiger

So you could build that kit twice (it has three decal schemes) :

or you could reassign your track runs to make one standard track set suitable for lots of Tigers, and one weird set that's only ever been seen on Tiger 121 (which that kit will build).


Thanks, Robin, for your thoughts, insight and support of my needs!!


I actually have four copies of this very kit (Dragon 6600)! It's coming back to me now...I'm pretty sure I bought 2 sets of Fruil mirrored tracks, with the intent of building one of the 'mostly whitewashed' Tigers from that kit, (turret numbers '3' or '100'' ) and also building the grey one (shown with 123 decals) all 3 of which are shown in your illustration. I ended up with 4 of the Dragon 6600 kits, PLUS Dragon 6252 (another Initial Tiger, but this one was a 'reissue', not the 'good' one with all the extras that everyone talks about), actually, as I got frustrated and ended up trashing 2 of the 3 hulls from 2 of 6600 and the 6252 kits. I still have 2 more brand new 6600 Tigers, still in their cellophane wrapping. I am currently building a grey hulled Initial Tiger from the 'ashes' of the 3 kits (again, 2 - 6600 and 6252) that I had started, and am trying to duplicate the Tiger that is in Michael Rinaldi's TankArt 1 book. His Tiger has turret number '111' but I just used the decals from one of my Tiger kits, and the style of the turret numbers that Michael used for his '111' allowed me to create a turret number of '112'. I know the specific tank I'm building is not historically correct, but I wanted to get as close as possible.

Also, David, I DO recall Tiger '121', vaguely, but can you re-enlighten me as to which hull '121' is, and exactly which tracks that tank would need?

A huge thanks to all of you who are helping me get through this particular Tiger nightmare that I created for myself...