Яusso-Soviэt Forum: WWII Soviet Armor
For discussions related to WW2 era Soviet armor.
T-35 Turret MG
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Ontario, Canada
Joined: May 21, 2008
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Armorama: 439 posts
Posted: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 - 10:30 AM UTC
Alright, so I've got Alanger's rebox of ICM's T-35

And I've seen in some places that the rear turret MG should be used, and in others that it shouldn't, and that there should be a pistol port there instead. So I want a definitive yes or no answer - is there or isn't there a rear turret MG on the variant of the T-35 that's in this kit?


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Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 - 11:36 AM UTC

Quoted Text

Alright, so I've got Alanger's rebox of ICM's T-35

And I've seen in some places that the rear turret MG should be used, and in others that it shouldn't, and that there should be a pistol port there instead. So I want a definitive yes or no answer - is there or isn't there a rear turret MG on the variant of the T-35 that's in this kit?



It is not needed on this version. There is only one published photo of a Soviet T-35 heavy tank with the rear turret machine gun, and that is a late version with the sloped turret sides. The turret MG made sense when these turrets were installed on a T-28 medium tank, as it had no other rear protection, but the T-35 had a pair of rearward facing turrets, making the additional gun in the main turret redundant. Barbarossa books publishes an excellent photo history of the T-35 series, "Land Battleship-The Russian T-35 Heavy Tank," if you'd like to build a particular tank.
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Ontario, Canada
Joined: May 21, 2008
KitMaker: 537 posts
Armorama: 439 posts
Posted: Thursday, June 25, 2009 - 01:35 AM UTC
Thanks, Gerald!